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General FAQ

How can I access Gmail, Calendar, Hangouts and Drive on my mobile device?

To access any Google products on your mobile go to the Apps store, download the associated app and sign in. Please note when using your work account on your mobile device you will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions set by your company.

Should I link my data when I sign into Chrome?

YES! This will keep your data synced with your work Chrome profile

Do I need to add a photo to my Google account?

No. IT will be pushing down the photos

Gmail FAQ

How much storage do I have in Gmail?

You have UNLIMITED storage in Gmail. You will never run out of space

I don't like how my inbox looks, can I change it?

Yes! With Gmail you can change the look and feel of your Gmail interface quite a bit. Take a look at your inbox setup first <<click here>>

I miss the preview pane from Outlook?

Thats ok, you can enable it in Gmail. Go to settings, select labs and enable Preview Pane. A toggle on/off for preview pane will appear in the top right hand corner of your Gmail. For more info and screenshots check out this blog post: <<click here>>

I dislike conversation view in Gmail can I turn it off?

Yes! See this help file for details https://support.google.com/mail/answer/5900?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

When I archive something in Gmail where does it go?

Archiving in Gmail is different to Outlook. Archiving removes the INBOX label from the email. The email is then in ALL MAIL and any other label you have applied to it manually or via a filter

Are there Keyboard shortcuts for Gmail?

Yes! You can turn Keyboard shortcuts on in your Gmail settings. Take a look at the help file here: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6594?hl=en

Calendar - FAQ

I need to have an overview of many users calendars. I want something similar to the Day View in Outlook. What is my best option in Google Calendar?

The day view in Google calendars is not the same as Outlook. However in your calendar settings you can add a custom view. We find a 2-3 day view is good for people with a lot of calendars to view. Or you can create an appointment add your colleagues to the appointment and click on find a time this will give a view the same as the Microsoft Outlook Day view.

How do I book a meeting room in Google Calendar?

To book a meeting room simply add the resource (meeting room) to you calendar appointment. See help file for more details: <<click here>>

How do I add a colleague's Calendar?

You can add someones calendar in the Other Calendars section by typing in their email address. Here is the help file <click here>

How to I share more than just free/busy periods with a colleague in Google Calendar?

In the share settings of your calendar you can add a colleagues email address, see the help file for details <click here>

My calendar keeps interrupting my work. Is there a way to change these notifications?

Yes. You can have browser notifications instead of interruptive alerts if you'd like. Check out the help file to learn how to update this setting <<click here>>

I need to view a lot of calendar, I miss the One Day view in Outlook. Can I get something similar in Google Calendar?

Unfortunately there is not a view in Google Calendar that is the same. However, we do have a work around which has worked for many other users. Create a calendar appointment, add the people and meeting rooms you wish to see. Then select Find a Time on the calendar appointment. It will give you a view like the image below and is the closest view you will find in Google Calendar to the Outlook day view.

Hangouts - FAQ

The Hangouts chat is in the way of my labels (folders). Can I move where it is?

Yes! You can toggle Hangout chat on/off by clicking on the Hangouts icon below the chat.

Can I open Hangouts in its own tab on Chrome?

Yes! Simple go to https://hangouts.google.com

Can I share a photo in Google Hangouts?

Yes simply drag the photo into the Hangout chat conversation and click the arrow that appears over it.

Can I edit an image I send via Hangouts?

YES! Once you have sent an image, hover your mouse over it and a little pencil will appear in the top right hand corner of the image. Click this and an editable version of the photo will appear. You can now edit the image and send it to your Hangout group.

When you share a photo/image in a Google Hangout where does it go?

Photos shared in other Google products are saved into an album archive on Google Photos. To access this archive click the link https://get.google.com/albumarchive while signed into your Google account.

How do I create a Group chat in Google Hangouts

You can create a group chat by adding more people to a one to one conversation or by turning on "join by link". Share this link with your team and anyone who clicks it will be added to your hangout. For more information <click here>

Can I get hangouts on my mobile device?

Hangouts app for Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.talk&hl=en

Hangouts app for iPhone - https://itunes.apple.com/ie/app/hangouts/id643496868?mt=8


Is there a limit to the size of a file I can upload to Google Drive?

For files uploaded to drive but not converted to Google format it is up to 5 TB per file

How much Google Drive space do I have?

You have UNLIMITED storage in Google Drive